Professor Pallavi Bhatnagar, a clinical psychologist and former head of the psychology department at Lucknow University, said young people want attention, even if it means losing relationships.

He explained that in a rapidly changing world, relationships are often affected, youth want identity, security and belonging, so they turn to the Internet for support. "They think that doing unique things will get them attention and make them feel good, like a drug. This makes them constantly seek more attention and try to outdo others," he said.

Professor Adarsh ​​Tripathi, Department of Psychiatry, King George Medica University (KGMU) here, said that five to six young patients suffering from social media addiction and having suicidal feelings come to him every day.They create risque or explicit content. When people see it, they want to see more, which keeps them hooked.

Experts say that social media increases the amount of dopamine in the brain like an addiction.

To counter this trend, Professor Bhatnagar suggested that parents should pay attention and tell them not to take the internet too seriously. Group discussions should be arranged in school, keeping in mind what risky things they can do.Professor Tripathi suggested banning giving smartphones with social media to teenagers. "Playing outdoor games can also help control the urge to make or watch reels," he said.

In an interesting observation, it is observed that all the UP Board top scorers have one thing in common, they are 'inactive' on social media.

Toppers said that board preparation is incomplete without daily revision and one should rely on classroom teaching instead of chasing knowledge from the internet and coaching classes.

However, this topper, born in the era of social media reel popularity, maintained a safe distance from social media.Almost all the toppers said that they prefer reading books rather than being active on social media.