In 2019, the BJP won 25 seats in Karnataka, while the Congress and JD-S, which contested the elections as allies, won one seat each. The remaining seat went to the independent candidate supported by BJP.

According to exit poll estimates, BJP, which won 25 seats in 2019, is expected to get 18 to 22 seats this time, while Congress is expected to get 6-8 seats.

TV 9 Kannada has projected BJP to win 18 seats this time, followed by Congress (8 seats) and BJP's ally JD-S (2 seats). In 2019, the same channel had given 24 seats to BJP and 2 seats each to Congress and JD-S.

India TV's exit poll has given BJP 18-22 seats, Congress is expected to get 4-8 seats, while JD-S is expected to get 1-3 seats.

CNN's projections indicate that the BJP will win 18-22 seats, the Congress 3-7 seats, while the JD-S is not expected to get a single seat.

Republic Kannada TV's exit poll has given 22 seats to NDA, while Congress is expected to get 6 seats.

According to News 18, BJP is expected to get 21-24 seats, while Congress is likely to get 3-7 seats. It gave 1-2 seats to JD-S.

Zee News projections show that BJP is expected to get 18-24 seats, Congress 4-6 seats, while JD-S is expected to get 1-3 seats.

According to Jan Ki Baat, BJP is expected to get 18-22 seats, Congress will win 4-8 seats, while JD-S will have to be content with 1-3 seats.