New Delhi, Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Wednesday said the pendency of Right to Information (RTI) appeals is reducing every year.

The statement came while chairing a meeting with Chief Information Commissioner Hiralal Samaria, who briefed on the functioning and progress of the Central Information Commission.

Minister Singh said, “The pendency of RTI appeals is coming down from 35,718 appeals in 2019-20 to 29,213 appeals in 2021-22, further reducing to 23,087 appeals in 2023-24 and 22,666 appeals in 2024-25, Which is remarkable.” Of the state for personnel.

In a statement issued by the Personnel Ministry, he was quoted as saying that almost 100 per cent of the appeals have been disposed of and the pendency of cases is decreasing every year.

The Minister appreciated the proactive role played by the Commission in reducing the pendency of cases and increasing the ease of providing information to citizens.

Singh said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision is to bring transparency, accountability and good governance in the functioning of the government.