Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Taking a dig at Prime Minister Modi's 'khata-khat' comment on India Block, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday said that a woman from every poor family will get Rs 1 lakh per year. B deposited in his bank account, 'Taka-taka, taka-taka' Addressing a joint rally with SP chief Akhilesh Yadav today, Rahul Gandhi said this election is a fight for the Constitution "BJP-RSS on this They are attacking and I want to tell that no power can tear down the Constitution of Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. Narendra Modi made two people billionaires by electing one woman from every poor family. 'Taka-taka-taka' Rs 1 lakh will be deposited in the account in a year. selected and Rs 1 lakh per year will be deposited in their bank account)" Rahul said; Taking a dig at Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi without naming them, PM Modi on Friday said, "The dreams of 'claws and bicycles' have been broken, 'knock' knock; now planning is being done after June 4 to blame for the defeat. 'Kisp foda jaaye, khat khat khat'; someone was telling me that the ticket for foreign travel has also been booked, khat khat khat'... Apart from this, the Congress leader also said that if the India Bloc governments come to power, So they will provide legal guarantee of MSP to farmers. “Our government will provide legal guarantee of MSP to farmers and will also waive off their loans.We are going to give Rs 1 lakh per year in the bank account of unemployed graduates. Narendra Modi destroyed India's economy but we are going to give a boost to the country's economy by putting money in people's pockets. We will shut down Agniveer and throw it in the garbage,'' he said. , ''Today workers get Rs 250 under MNREGA.We are going to give Rs 400 to workers under MNREGA and double the income of Anganwadi and Asha women,'' Rahul said. Finally, urging his supporters to vote for the party's candidate from Prayagraj Lok Sabha seat, Rahul Gandhi Said that they have to make the candidate win by 5 lakh votes.'' Many of our workers are here to support the Congress-Socialist Party partnership. I want to ask you to stand against the BJP-RSS workers at the polling stations and make the candidate win by 5 lakh votes. Here my candidate is Ujjwal Raman Singh, make him win with a huge majority.'' He said, ''Voting will be held in Prayagraj on May 20 in the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections.''