Jaipur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday stepped up his attack on the Congress, saying it is difficult to follow one's faith within the party and then accused it of a deep-rooted conspiracy to snatch people's money and distribute it among "select" people. Was accused.

Referring to the 'redistribution of wealth' comment he made at a rally in Rajasthan's Banswara on Sunday, the Prime Minister said it had angered the Congress and the Indian alliance so much that they started "abusing" the Mods everywhere. started.

"I have presented the truth to the nation that the Congress is hatching a nefarious conspiracy to snatch your property and distribute it among 'select' people," he said at a rally in Tonk.

He said, “Two-three days ago I had exposed this vote bank politics and appeasement politics of Congress; This has angered Congress and its Indian alliance so much that they have started abusing Modi everywhere for "hiding the truth and his policies".

"It is written in their manifesto that they will survey the property. Their leader had said in a speech that the property will be X-rayed," he said. He said, "When Modi revealed the secret, your hidden agenda came out and you are trembling".

The Prime Minister also alleged that it is difficult to follow one's faith under Congress rule.

He said, "Under Congress rule, even listening to Hanuman Chalisa has become a crime."

His comments come on a day when the country is celebrating Hanuman Jayanti.