"We must do everything in our power to achieve an immediate end to hostilities, to achieve the immediate release of all hostages, to reduce the humanitarian catastrophe occurring in Gaza," Borrell told a news conference.

Borrell was speaking at the European Commission headquarters alongside Mohammad Mustafa, the recently appointed prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, which rules the West Bank, and Norway's Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eid.

The three met Palestinian Authority donors in Brussels on Sunday to discuss the newly formed government in the West Bank under Mustafa.

Borrell also said that allegations that Israel is committing "genocide" should be investigated.

Noting a ruling Friday by the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) that ordered Israel to halt its offensive on Gaza's Rafah city, Borrell said: "This important decision of the International Court of Justice does not allow Israel to Also orders to ensure access to the location.” The United Nations has been ordered to investigate allegations of genocide."

While he stressed that he was only calling them "allegations", Borrell said, "They must be investigated in accordance with the ICJ's decision."

Norway – which is not a member of the European Union – announced on Wednesday that it would recognize the State of Palestine. The EU itself cannot do this unless all 27 of its member states do so first.

Hamas took over Gaza in 2007, following last year's elections following fighting between Hamas and Fatah, which controls the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.
