New Delhi, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Gopal Rai on Thursday asked the party's 'mandal' in-charges to be prepared for a fight with the BJP and ensure the victorious return of Arvind Kejriwal as Delhi Chief Minister.

Addressing a gathering of AAP 'mandal' in-charges, Rai said the BJP feels that Delhi is a laboratory for AAP where new inventions are made.

He said that he feels that if the factory in Delhi is not closed then the day is not far when the Aam Aadmi Party will form its government at the Centre.

Gopal Rai said that Arvind Kejriwal is not 'Abhimanyu' but Arjun and he knows how to break the 'Chakravyuh' of BJP in the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi.

After coming out of Tihar Jail, Kejriwal announced his decision to resign in the wake of corruption charges against him and to undergo a "fire test" to get a "certificate of integrity" from the people of Delhi.

AAP's National General Secretary (Organization) Sandeep Pathak said that there will be a tough contest in the Delhi elections.

He said, “In the last assembly elections, (Home Minister) Amit Shah himself had to come and distribute pamphlets for BJP on the streets of Delhi. I guarantee that along with Amit Shah, Prime Minister Modi will also go door-to-door and distribute pamphlets. This time in Delhi,” Pathak asserted.

Rai told the 'Mandal' in-charges to be prepared to take on the BJP and ensure that the BJP does not win even a single seat in Delhi this time.