X is rolling out "Private Likes" that will likely appear on users' timelines starting Wednesday.

This means that users' likes on the platform will be hidden by default and they will be able to "like content without worrying about who can see it".

Musk said it was "important to allow people to like posts without being attacked for doing so".

Last month, Haofei Wang, X's engineering director, said the upcoming change is to protect users' public image.

"Yes, we're making likes private. Public likes are encouraging bad behavior," he posted on X.

For example, many people feel discouraged from liking content that may be "edgy", for fear of retribution from trolls, or to protect their public image.

“Soon you'll be able to like without worrying about who can see it. It's also a reminder that the more posts you like, the better our 'for you' algorithm becomes," Wang said.

According to the social media platform, this is what it looks like between you and the author.

“The author will be informed, but not anyone else. The bookmark is visible only to you. We can also make it customizable for users," according to Wang.