Washington [US], actor and co-founder of PageBoy Productions, Elliot Page is set to bring a captivating love story set in space to the big screen. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Page's production company recently acquired the rights to Eliot Scherfer's 2021 YA. Science fiction novel, 'The Darkness Outside Us'. The novel revolves around the story of two young men from opposing countries who find themselves aboard a spaceship on a daring rescue mission. As they travel through the vastness of space, they are faced with the realization that cooperation and love may be the keys to their survival "We are proud to stand behind Eliot's remarkable work," Page said in their said with fellow PageBoy co-founder Matt Jordan. Smith and Tuck Dowre "The Darkness Outside Us is exactly the kind of story we want A Pageboy to champion – it's subversive and deeply human at its core. It's a complex love story, inventive thriller and with twists at every turn. is a space epic we can't wait to take the next step toward bringing it to the big screen," he said in a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter. Writer Eliot Schreffer expressed his excitement about the collaboration. “What am I most looking forward to for my novel An Agile, Young, Driven Production Company that is making waves in Hollywood – and that's what I found with PAGEBO Productions, I'm so excited by their vision for The Darkness Outside Us and "Honoured to have Elliot and Tuck and the rest of the talents. 'The Darkness Outside Us' is not a standalone venture, titled 'The Brightness Between Us'; It is going to be released in.