Karimganj (Assam) [India], Assam Police have arrested eight people, including a Qazi (marriage registrar), for arranging child marriages in the state's Karimganj district, officials said on Wednesday. According to the police, the team conducted an operation in Kabribond village under Patharkandi police station, where a marriage ceremony was organised. "We arrested eight people, including a Qazi, in connection with child marriage on Tuesday. We also rescued the minor girl. We produced them in the court," Karimganj district Superintendent of Police Partha Protim Das told ANI over phone. The Patharkandi police officer said the groom, aged about 18, was in a relationship with the minor girl for the past few years. Those arrested were identified as Bilal Uddin (groom), his father Zahrau Islam, girl's father Shabbir. Uddin (Qazi) and some other family members Earlier, the Assam government had said that a total of 2490 child marriage victims were produced before the child welfare committees during 2022 and 2022. The Assam government launched a major campaign against child marriage across the state and under relevant laws, 5347 cases have been registered against more than 8,800 accused, out of which more than 4,407 have been arrested and sent to judicial custody. Is.