Washington [US], calls on the US Senate in East Turkistan Government-in-Exile (ETGE) to immediately call on the US Senate to pass the USHUR Policy Act without delay to establish a Special Coordinator for Uyghur Issues within the US State Department. The EAS Turkestani people have been advocating such a situation since 1997, see ETGE, a coalition of 60 former Turkestani led by a coalition of Uyghur organizations in the diaspora, February 20, 2024 The letter T presented a compound letter T. Urging Congress to recognize East Turkestan as an occupied country and an Andurin Chinese colony and calling for rapid passage of the Uyghur Policy Act, the ETGE press release read “We call on the U.S. Senate to act swiftly and decisively.” “The Uyghur Policy Act is not just a piece of legislation, it is a lifeline for millions of people to ease China's brutal occupation,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Security. For, Salih Hudayar, the recent passage of the Resolution Tibet Act by the US Senate has brought benefits to both Tibetans and Tibetans.East Turkistanis. However, there remains a clear inconsistency in US policy between its stances on East Turkestan and Tibet In addition to passage of the Uyghur Policy Act, ETGE called on Congress to rapidly introduce and pass a resolution East Turkestan Act , which is similar to Sankalp Tibet. act. Such legislation would reinforce the U.S. commitment to addressing the root causes of the humanitarian crisis in East Turkestan, supporting justice for the East Turkestan people, and supporting externa self-determination. Chinese government and CCP.This includes correct historical narratives and using the native name East Turkestan instead of the Chinese colonial term “Xinjiang (New Territory or Colony)” does not overshadow the urgency of addressing the root cause of the ongoing Uyghur genocide in Turkestan. The Chinese colonies and occupations are at the heart of this crisis. ETGE urged Congress to adopt a resolution recognizing the status of East Turkestan as an occupied country. Simila for Simila “The U.S. Congress has an historic opportunity to lead international communication for justice, human rights, and self-determination. , Chairman of the East Turkestan Government in Exile The East Turkestan Government in Exile is committed to advocating for the rights and freedoms of the East Turkestan people and to ensuring that their voices are heard and their plight highlighted on the global stage. be addressed.