Azamgarh (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said that whenever any terrorist incident occurs in the country, it is linked to Azamgarh and the district is maligned. "However, those who defamed Azamgarh have been completely exposed today," CM Yogi said while addressing a public meeting in Lalganj Lok Sabha constituency in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Neelam Sonkar continued her attack on the opposition, alleging that development activities "have come to a standstill as the Congress-led (UPA) government has sunk into corruption" "The poor died of hunger, farmers committed suicide, daughters and Traders committed suicide." Insecure,” he said, adding that the country has seen positive changes in the last 10 years, with increased global respect, secure borders and terrorism and Naxalism have been effectively dealt with. Highlighting 'Modi's guarantee', CM Yogi said that a university has been built.Azamgarh today boasts of an airport in Azamgarh named after Maharaja Suheldev and is now connected through the Purvanch Expressway "Azamgarh has transformed into a new symbol of progress within Uttar Pradesh, competing with major cities like Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Ayodhya. , Prayagraj, and various other districts. Earlier, the residents faced challenges while traveling domestically or abroad. Even staying in dharamshalas proved difficult to secure for the people of Azamgarh,” he said, adding that four phases of elections have already taken place and three phases are left. “Without waiting, he said, For June 4, a voice is coming from the entire country, 'Once again Modi government.' Cautioned not to succumb to misinformation, state government ministers Surya Pratap Shahi, Dara Singh Chauhan, Om Prakash Rajbhar, MP Sangeeta Azad, BJP state general secretary Govind Narayan Shukla, Legislative Council member Vijay Bahadur Pathak and others were present. .Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has fielded Bhojpuri actor Dinesh Lal Yada 'Nirahua' from Azamgarh seat for the Lok Sabha elections. Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has fielded Mashhood Ahmed from Azamgarh. Dharmendra Yadav is the Samajwadi Party candidate from this seat. He contested the by-election from Azamgarh in 2022 but lost to BJP candidate Dinesh Lal Yadav 'Nirahua', a popular Bhojpuri singer-actor. Voting in Azamgarh will be held in the sixth phase on May 25 and counting of votes will take place on June 4.