New Delhi [India], A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Friday between the University of Delhi and HSE University of Russia for exchange of students, researchers and faculty as well as knowledge in areas of mutual interest and joint educational and research Involves sharing of experiences. Programs to be developed Dr. Nikit Anisimov, Rector, HSE University, Russia, visited Delhi University with his delegation. On this occasion, Dr. Vikas Gupta, Registrar, Delhi University and Dr. Nikit Anisimov, Rector, HSE University, Russia, visited Delhi University with their delegation. Delhi University Vice-Chancellor Professor Yogesh Singh, while exchanging the documents, said that this is the first step towards mutually beneficial cooperation between the two universities in the spirit of friendship. He emphasized the cultural ties between the two countries in collaboration with HSE University.A Center of Excellence and Mirror Lab was inaugurated at the Faculty of Technology, University of Delhi, "This is an opportunity for the HSE University as another way of campus presence in a foreign university land to promote academic exchange, mobility etc. Will provide an outlet." With a space that will also facilitate the promotion of joint research initiatives. Faculty members can use this space for joint research, mobility exchanges etc. It will facilitate the organization of bilateral research publications and joint conferences etc. in any area including computing, IT, physics social sciences, management etc. in accordance with mutual interests,” an issued statement said. It added, “The identified Design of short-term study programs and courses in areas/domains, master projects etc. Lectures can also be conducted online and HSE faculty can visit offline during selected periods."