CHANDIGARH: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday said the spirit of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb has entered the Congress, attacking the party on the inheritance tax issue and urging people not to let a "second Aurangzeb" be born. .

Addressing his first political rally in Chandigarh in favor of BJP candidate Sanja Tandon, Adityanath hit out at the Congress-AAP alliance and alleged that they have come together not for the welfare of the people but to "loot" them.

Attacking the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government on the issue of law and order in Punjab, he said, "You see mafia and criminals in Punjab. In UP, we have turned the mafia upside down. So, I am saying , They (Congress-AAP) will mislead you, lie and create many kinds of rumours.,

"Congress and AAP formed an alliance...they did this because first they divided the country, then the society and now they have an eye on your property," he said.

Without naming anyone, Adityanath said that a Congress leader has said that when his party comes to power, it will conduct a survey of people's property and impose inheritance tax.

They will divide half of it and give it to Muslims, Adityanath said, adding that the inheritance tax was like the 'Jizya' tax imposed on Hindus by Aurangzeb.

Appealing to the people to vote for BJP and make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister for the third time, he said, "Aurangzeb's soul has entered the Congress. We should not allow another Aurangzeb to be born in the country.,

Earlier, controversy had erupted over the remarks of Congress leader Sam Pitroda, who talked about inheritance tax in the US while discussing the issue of wealth redistribution. Pitroda later resigned from the post of President of India Overseas Congress following his controversial remarks.

The Chief Minister took a dig at the Congress over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and said that the oldest leaders of the party started having stomach pain after citizenship certificates were issued to some people.

He said, “CAA has been implemented. Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists were tortured in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.Whenever the process of granting citizenship started, the leaders started having stomach pain."

He said, “The spirit of Mahabharata's evil hero Duryodhana has entered the Congress and they are not able to accept it. This is why people used to say that Muslims have the first right on the country's resources.

On May 15, the first set of citizenship certificates under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act was issued to 14 people, with rules notified under the controversial law to grant Indian nationality to persecuted non-Muslim immigrants from three neighboring countries. About two months after leaving.