According to the police, the incident took place on Saturday and the victim Mohini of Rahimabad police station area had started work only 20 days ago.

Station in-charge, Gomti Nagar, Sudhir Awasthi said, "The police have sent the body to the mortuary and the family of the deceased has been informed."

The couple had hired her through a service provider company in the area to do household work and take care of their four-year-old child.

Mohini used to work in the flat of Sarabjit Singh and Preeti Singh, who worked in a bank in Lucknow.

Preeti Singh told the police, "On Saturday, she was washing the balcony with water and slipped. Due to loss of balance, she fell from the third floor."

When asked about the findings of the post-mortem investigation, the police spokesperson said that they were waiting for the autopsy report.

It was revealed that Sarabjeet had gone out of the flat for a walk while Preeti was in the bathroom.

Mohini was watering the plants on the balcony and perhaps she placed one of her charges on the balcony railing and slipped.

Sarabjit's driver Jitendra told the police that he had called the owner for the keys to take out his car and Mohini had given him the car keys minutes before he fell from the balcony of the high-rise building.

Mohini's mother Santoshi expressed dissatisfaction with the police's claim that she died after losing balance and falling from the third floor.

"The railing of the balcony is four feet high and hence she cannot fall from the balcony. She was being harassed by the couple who allowed her to talk to you twice during the last 20 days," she alleged.

Police said that the balcony railing is only two feet high.