Tel Aviv [Israel], Israel Defense Forces expose Hamas document, revealing on social media how the terrorist group had planned to steal millions of shekels from Gaza banks "An internal document released by Hamas, revealing members of the movement shows a plan by Hamas to rob the safes of a bank in Gaza, a month after Hamas stole millions of shekels from Bank of Palestine branches in the Gaza Strip,'' said Lt. Col. Avichai Adrai, the IDF's Arabic spokesman. , formerly known as Twitter, on Wednesday The Bank of Palestine is the largest Palestinian bank with branches in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The document was drafted by a Hamas figure identified as "Abu Jihad". It was identified in and dated March 10. According to the document, "Members of the movement looted branches of the Bank of Palestine in Gaza and stole more than 400 million shekels," Adrey said, adding that the document was prepared by In early February, "Hamas-related thugs threatened Bank of Palestine employees in Rima about withdrawing cash from the bank's safes in the neighborhood in Gaza City," Adre said, a month after the document. On April 16, "Hamas members stole millions of shekels from the branch. Two days later, the same people stole millions of shekels from another branch in Gaza City, and then on April 19, millions of shekels were stolen from the Bank of Palestine's main Gaza City branch "while Gaza residents continue to face an economic and social crisis. Hamas is stealing without hesitation from civilians in the Gaza Strip for the sake of its survival and the survival of its members, and it finances its terrorist activities on the backs and from the pockets of the people of the Gaza Strip. ,'' Adrai said, adding that the war has put a strain on Hamas's depleted finances.Israel seizes Gaza's Rafah border. Egypt on May 7 Before losing control of the border, Hamas also hijacked humanoid AI trucks. Delivering food, water, medicine, fuel and other supplies from Egypt Additionally, Israeli forces have seized more than $12 million in shekel dollars and other currencies from Hamas strongholds, activists and affiliated money changers. This money has been transferred to the Defense Ministry.Finance division for counting, then handed over to the Bank of Israel and deposited in the state treasury While Gaza's Palestinian residents have been displaced by the war, Hamas leaders have been enriching themselves and their families for years. As The Press Service o Israel reported in September, the personal assets of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Khaled Mashal and Musa Abu Marzouq are worth a total of USD 11 billion, while the organization's leadership controls an investment portfolio worth billions of dollars. Does. Before the war, Hamas had imposed taxes. Along with a 20 percent tax on smuggled goods from Egypt and an estimated US$450 million annually from Gaza's black trade, Iran is also believed to have provided Hamas leaders with a US$100 million expense account. Meanwhile, Israel's press service reported on Wednesday that a Hezbollah crowdfunding campaign has sparked controversy in Lebanon, with critics arguing that the terrorist group is coercing citizens to finance a jihad campaign that goes against the country's interests. Does not serve.At least 1,200 people were killed in Hamas attacks, and 252 Israeli and foreign hostages were taken. Israeli community near the Gaza border on 7 October. Of the remaining 125 hostages, 39 are believed dead.