Interestingly, patient Ajit Kumar Verma showed no symptoms and his tumor was also visible
12x11.5 x 8 cm

Dr Piyush Varshney, Additional Director of Urology at Fortis, said, “When these tumors exceed 4 cm in size they often require surgical removal. These tumors are often highly vascular and grow near the spleen, pancreas and kidneys. pose surgical challenges due to their location." Used the da Vinci robotic system to tackle challenging tumors.

"The precision of the da Vinci system allowed us to successfully remove the entire tumor within two hours with minimal blood loss, and we discharged the patient on the second day of surgery," he said.

Furthermore, Dr. Varshney explained that adrenal tumor is a growth on the adrenal gland located near the vita organs, above the kidneys within the abdomen.

About 70 percent of adrenal tumors larger than 4 cm in size are usually benign, while the remaining 30 percent are malignant, indicating the development of cancer. These tumors are relatively prevalent, affecting 7 percent of individuals age 70 and older.

Although the exact causes remain unclear, genetic factors sometimes play a role in their development. The doctor said, the patient has been discharged and now his condition is fine.