CCHF is caused by a tick-borne nairovirus.

Animals such as cattle, goats, sheep and hares carry the virus, which can be transmitted to humans through tick bites or through contact with infected blood or tissues during and after slaughter.

The virus, known for its high mortality rate, can cause severe hemorrhagic fever, causing symptoms such as high fever, muscle pain, dizziness, nosebleeds, etc.

"The recent spread of Congo virus in Pakistan is worrying and calls for strict control measures in India as well," Dr Nidhin Mohan, internal medicine consultant, Narayana Health City, Bengaluru, told IANS.

“We must increase surveillance, particularly in border areas, and educate the public on prevention methods such as using insect repellent and protective clothing, as well as cleaning any wounds caused by livestock; goats, etc.,” he added.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), CCHF has a mortality rate of up to 40 percent and is difficult to prevent or treat.

It is also on the WHO's list of "priority" diseases and was found last year in Eastern Europe, France, Spain and Namibia.

In 2023, CCHF affected hundreds of people and caused deaths in Iraq and Pakistan.

“The clinical characteristics are very similar to dengue (high fever, vomiting and headache). In India, the overlapping symptoms of hemorrhagic fevers such as dengue, Kyasanur forest disease, hantavirus hemorrhagic fever and other diseases (malaria, meningococcal infections and leptospirosis) are of great concern,” Dr. Dhiren Gupta, Co-Director of PICU, Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital told IANS.

Experts called for early diagnosis through PCR tests, as ignoring symptoms can be fatal.

"Early diagnosis of CCHF is essential for the treatment of patients, to prevent transmission of the disease to the community and possible nosocomial infections," said Dr. Dhiren.

General supportive therapy is the basis of patient treatment in CCHF.

Intensive monitoring is required to guide blood volume and component replacement, the doctor said.

However, “there is no reason not to panic. The government should start carrying out active human, animal and entomological surveillance. Cases should be isolated and treated following universal precautions, contact tracing and monitoring, spraying livestock in the affected area with anti-tick agents, spraying human habitations with residual sprays and communicating the risk to the public,” Dr Dhiren said. .

Strict measures and awareness can help eliminate the risk and control the spread of this deadly virus, experts said.