New Delhi: To deal with the competitive challenges posed by digital markets, CC Chairperson Ravneet Kaur on Monday pitched for regulatory agility, analytical tools and possibly, new regulatory frameworks, especially tailored to the digital context.

Emphasizing the need for a nuanced approach that blends traditional competition analysis with a deep understanding of digital market dynamics, he also said issues such as “algorithmic collusion” create new challenges for regulators.

The watchdog has been taking steps to address anti-competition concerns in digital markets and has also passed various orders in recent years.

CCI will conduct a market study on Artificial Intelligence (AI) aimed at developing an in-depth understanding of the emerging competition dynamics in the AI ​​development ecosystem.

According to him, competition-supportive capabilities are key to the transformative potential of AI.“Also, the use of AI may raise competition concerns,” he said, adding that there is an increasing emphasis on consumer welfare in the formulation and enforcement of competition law.

Speaking, he said, “Executives are increasingly considering the broader impact of new age business practices on overall market health beyond consumer choice, innovation and price impact. This consumer-centric approach ensures that the benefits of competition flow directly into Reach the public." On the 15th Annual Day of Competition Commission of India (CCI) in the national capital.

Furthermore, Kaur said there is a need for regulatory agility, development of new analytical tools and possibly new regulatory frameworks tailored to the digital context.While algorithms play a central role in digital markets, from shaping usage experiences to making pricing and product placement decisions, he said, however, the ambiguity of these algorithms can make it challenging to assess their impact on competition.

“Issues such as algorithmic collusion, where algorithms can indirectly coordinate prices or market strategies without clear human direction, create new challenges for competition authorities,” the CCI chief said.

The CCI chief pointed out that companies that can collect, analyze and leverage large amounts of data can gain significant competitive advantages.

"This raises concerns about data dominance, where control over large data sets could create insurmountable barriers to entry for new entrants and potentially be used in ways that harm competition and consumer choice," he said. can be done." Model, where a single entity controls access to a wide range of services and users.Such concerns raise the issue of platform neutrality, particularly when platforms also compete with the businesses that rely on their infrastructure. "There is growing concern about platforms potentially favoring their own services or products over those of competitors, thereby encouraging unfair competitive practices," Kaur said.

On the outlook, Kaur said the regulator is focusing on emerging sectors in the digital economy and aims to ensure that competition laws evolve in tandem with these innovations while enforcing them, protecting the interests of consumers and ensuring fair play. .