New Delhi: Aviation watchdog DGCA has introduced security norms for ground handling service providers at airports, including requirement for mandatory security clearance, as part of efforts to ensure safe ground operations amid increased air traffic.

The rules also come against the backdrop of ground incidents at some airports that caused damage to aircraft.

The new Civil Aviation Requirements (CARs), prepared after detailed consultations, will strengthen the oversight mechanism, the DGCA said in a statement on Wednesday.

It also specifies the training and competency requirements for ground personnel who are part of ground operations at airports.

Ground Handling Service Providers (GHSP) are required to obtain security clearance from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) within six months.

The six-month period is from July 8, when the regulator issued the CAR.

"The robust security mechanism to be prospectively implemented by the GHSPs would help prevent and mitigate ground incidents at the airport, thereby improving the quality of services provided in security-sensitive functions," the statement read.

Under the new norms, GHSPs must appoint responsible managers, station managers and security managers. Among other requirements, ground staff must receive periodic training.

Considering the phenomenal growth in aircraft movements, corresponding increase in complexity of ground operations and proliferation of third-party ground handling services, the DGCA said it has become imperative to lay down safety standards for the GHSPs concerned. in ground aircraft operations at Indian airports. , an area that until now was not covered by any existing regulations.

Larger aircraft, increased ground support equipment and faster response times contribute to the challenge of improving operational safety.

With the growth in air traffic and the proliferation of third-party ground handling services, ground operations at airport aprons have become increasingly complex and potentially dangerous, the DGCA said.

Apron areas are often the most congested and busy at an airport and aircraft stopovers are carried out with space and time constraints.

"Unlike other sectors of the aviation industry, the ground handling sector is not currently subject to the level of regulation in areas such as flight operations, air traffic management and aerodrome operations.

"Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop requirements to achieve operational safety at airports for aircraft operations," the regulator said.

India is one of the fastest growing civil aviation markets in the world and airlines are expanding their fleets.