People who have been diagnosed with perinatal depression; This was followed by 20 years of heart disease and heart failure.

Swedish researchers said the links between perinatal depression and long-term risk of heart disease are "largely unknown" as they published a study that tracked women for more than a decade.

The study, published in the European Heart Journal, examined data from nearly 56,000 women with perinatal depression between 2001 and 2014.

Their information was matched with about 546,000 who had babies during the same time period who were not diagnosed with perinatal depression.

The women were followed for an average of 10 years, with some being monitored for up to 20 years after diagnosis.About 6.4 percent of women with prenatal depression were diagnosed with heart disease during follow-up, while 3.7 percent of women were not diagnosed with depression.

The researchers found that people with perinatal depression had a 36 percent increased risk of heart disease during the follow-up period.

They found that women with prenatal depression had a 29 percent higher risk, while women with postpartum depression were 42 percent more likely to develop heart disease.

The authors said the results were "most pronounced" in women who had not suffered from depression before pregnancy.

They said the higher risk was found for all types of cardiovascular disease, drawing particular attention to the increased likelihood of women developing ischemic heart disease, heart failure and hypertension."Our findings could help identify people who are at higher risk of heart disease so that steps can be taken to reduce this risk," said Dr. Emma Brann of Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.

"We know that perinatal depression can be prevented and treated, and for many people it is the first episode of depression they have ever experienced," Brann said.

"Our findings provide more reason to ensure that maternal care is holistic, with equal attention to both physical and mental health. It is not clear how and through which pathways perinatal depression leads to cardiovascular disease. Is.

“We need more research to understand this so we can find the best ways to prevent depression and reduce CVD risk.,

The academics also analyzed data on sisters, where available, and found that the risk of developing CVD remained higher in a sister who had experienced perinatal depression compared with her sister who had not experienced it.

Women who suffered from perinatal depression had a 20 percent higher risk of heart disease than their sisters.

"The small difference in risk between sisters suggests that genetic or familial factors may be partly involved," Dr. Brann said.

“There may also be other factors involved, as is the case with the association between other forms of depression and CVD. These include changes in the immune system, oxidative stress, and lifestyle changes involved in major depression,” Dr. Brann concluded.