VMP Chandigarh [India], May 31: DeltaPower, North India's leading solar solutions provider, is proud to announce the successful commissioning of a state-of-the-art 500 kWp solar power plant for BNAL Prefabs, renowned for its sustainable prefab structures. Is. BNAL is a leading manufacturer of high performance PU insulated roof and wall panel systems that offer quick speed of construction. They also provide quality pre fab structures for diverse applications. As an extension, BNAL also designs and manufactures pre-assembled buildings for various industrial and commercial sites. This strategic collaboration highlights an important step towards green manufacturing practices.The new facility, located at the BNAL Prefabs site, features 917 high-efficiency 545 Wp. The Mono Perk is powered by half-cut solar modules and four 125 kW Hitach OnGrid inverters, underscoring DeltaPower's commitment to leveraging top-tie technology. With a connected load of 800 KVA, the plant is designed to substantially reduce the carbon footprint by producing an average daily generation of 2200 units, which meets a major portion of BNAL's daily consumption of 2800 units. This initiative not only supports but also sets BNAL's environmental goals. The benchmark in the industry for integrating sustainable energy solutions into manufacturing processes.DeltaPower is excited to support BNAL’s journey towards sustainability and looks forward to further promoting eco-friendly innovation in the industry. For more information please visit [DeltaPower website [https://www.deltapower.in/?utm_source=TriptiPR&utm_medium=PressRelease&utm_campaign=DP]. -BNAL-PressRelease&utm_id=Delta%20BANL%20PR ] or [BNAL Prefabs Website
DeltaPower [https://www.deltapower.in/?utm_source=TriptiPR&utm_medium=PressRelease&utm_campaign=DP-BNAL-PressRelease&utm_id=Delta%20BANL%20PR DeltaPower (an ISO9001 company) to provide efficient and sustainable solar energy solutions across North India is devoted. Its goal is to increase environmental sustainability and reduce energy costs for businesses and communities.In terms of commitment towards sustainability, the company has successfully completed the assessment under the CII Climate Action Charter Contact +91-985500838 [email protected] [email protected] https://sqr.co/DPBNALPr [https : //www.deltapower.in/?utm_source=TriptiPR&utm_medium=PressRelease&utm_campaign=DP-BNAL-PressRelease&utm_id=Delta%20BANL%20PR