New Delhi [India], Special Cell of Delhi Police arrested an accused after he opened fire at a car showroom in Tilak Nagar area along with two other shooters. Police officials said on Wednesday that the accused has been sent to police custody for four days. Delhi Police said, "A firing incident has been reported at a car showroom in Tilak Nagar area. Multiple bullets were fired. Some people have suffered injuries due to broken glass and are undergoing treatment.Further information is awaited. The accused has been arrested." The Special Cell of Delhi Police said that he has been identified as Ketan (20). The accused was arrested from Panipat and on Wednesday the Special Cell team produced him in Patiala House Court. Delhi Police further said that he has been sent to police custody for four days, "The accused who has been arrested had reached the showroom in Tilak Nagar area with two shooters.The shooters opened fire on the showroom and after this Ketan fled from there on a bike along with the shooters. After covering some distance, both the shooters ran away separately and Ketan boarded his bike and went towards Panipat, from where the police caught him, a pistol was also recovered from Ketan. According to Special Cell sources, during interrogation, Ketan revealed that gangster Himanshu Bhau, sitting abroad, had ordered him to open fire at the showroom.Himanshu Bhau is close to gangster Neeraj Bawana and gangster Navi Bali. Delhi Police further said, "Accused Ketan had fired at the showroom on the instructions of gangster Himanshu Bhau. He fired about 20 rounds. His intention was not to kill anyone.'' He did not have any information about the showroom owner to scare him, but on the request of Himanshu Bhau, he opened fire. According to sources, the Special Cell team may soon take gangster Naveen Bali into custody. The Special Cell team is interrogating Ketan about his whereabouts. Two shooters.