New Delhi: Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj on Wednesday wrote to the Union Home Secretary claiming that city government Health Secretary SB Deepak Kumar went on "long leave" without his permission amid the scorching heat, and called for strict action against him. demanded.

However, health department sources said Kumar was on a two-day leave (June 13-14) and then went to Mussoorie to attend a mid-career training program from June 18 to July 13.

He claimed that an official mail in this regard from the Delhi Health Secretary's office was sent to the Health Minister's office on June 12.

Bhardwaj said in his letter, "Delhi is experiencing severe heat and the temperature is breaking all records. The role of the health department is most important in making arrangements for the people affected by heat-related diseases.,

The minister said he was surprised to learn that Health Secretary Kumar had gone on "long leave" till July 13 without his permission.

Questioning who granted leave to the officer, Bhardwaj said, "There are many questions that need to be answered by the Home Ministry, the Central government, the government of NCT of Delhi, including Health Secretary SB Deepak Kumar." Controlling all the officials."

Citing the unprecedented heat in Delhi, he asked how the Secretary (Health) of a state could go on such a long leave without the permission of the Health Minister.

“How will an important department like health function when the head of the department goes on long leave and will not respond to any calls or messages?” He raised further questions in his letter.

Bhardwaj demanded that the central government should take strict action against officers like Kumar.

He also referred to his previous letter to the Union Home Secretary regarding the fire tragedy at the neonatal health center in which seven newborns died in May this year.The Health Minister also questioned what action the Center took against Kumar in connection with the fire incident.

Bhardwaj, in his previous communication, had complained that he came to know about the fire incident through the media as the Health Secretary did not care to inform him about it.

She also alleged that Kumar did not respond to any of her messages or calls and even a note sent to her residence was not received.

He said, “I had given several instructions to the Secretary (Health), including the need to ensure fire audit of all private nursing homes and hospitals by June 8. There were several other instructions also related to the said incident.,

The minister claimed that since then the Secretary (Health) never bothered to update the status of the instructions given by him.