New Delhi: A Delhi court on Wednesday rejected the plea of ​​Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, arrested in a money laundering case, seeking more time with his lawyers, saying the relevant rules apply to him at par with other prisoners. legally enforceable and that they had allegedly exercised legal rights. Consultation was permitted by the Court to issue some administrative directions.

Special judge for CBI and ED cases Kaveri Baweja, while rejecting Kejriwal's plea to hold five meetings with his lawyers every week, also said that he failed to satisfy the court that he was not meeting the two permitted legal meetings per week. Are being used for discussion purposes only. Cases pending with the High Council.

“The status report/note filed by the ED indicates that the applicant had given certain instructions to be given to the Water Minister, one of his lawyers (whose name he refused to disclose to the ED), during the legal meeting.Thus it appears that the applicant is not even utilizing the allowance of two legal interviews per week with his lawyers to discuss his pending cases and is using the allotted time for purposes other than legal interviews in the above manner. Is,” the judge said.

The judge cited the Delhi High Court judgment which had said that every citizen of India is entitled to the protection of the law, which will apply equally to him.

The judge rejected Kejriwal's plea that there are around 35 cases pending against him across the country, for which he needs more time to consult his lawyer, saying his application would take into account their number, the nature of the proceedings. And there are no necessary details of the cases including the phase.

“However, during the arguments, it was submitted by the counsel for the applicant that there are approximately 30-35 litigations in respect of which the applicant is not required to consult and discuss with his counsel, but, there does not appear to be any objective criteria for the same. Is. To assess whether five meetings with his lawyers per week would be sufficient to address the applicant's concern or whether two meetings, which are allowed as per the jail rules, are inadequate for the purpose,” the judge said."In the absence of any such objective criteria for evaluation, the applicant's request for five legal interviews with his lawyers per week appears not only capricious but also made without any statistical basis or objective standards for evaluation. it occurs." The judge said.

The ED had opposed Kejriwal's application saying that he cannot be given the privilege merely because he wants to run the government from inside the jail.

It was alleged that legal interviews were being misused by Kejriwal for purposes other than consultation.

Kejriwal has issued few directions on matters related to governance from behind bars and his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has claimed that he will run the government from jail.