New Delhi [India], Delhi Chief Minister's aide Vibhav Kumar has filed a complaint against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Swati Maliwal for violating security by "illegal" entry and encroachment into the CM residence, police said on Friday. Said in the statement. In the complaint filed at the Civil Lines police station, Vibhav claimed that "she (Maliwal) not only breached the security of the CM residence, created ruckus and assaulted the complainant, but now she is also trying to falsely implicate the undersigned complainant. So that an unfair situation can arise." "Since Maliwal's false statements and malicious actions are creating a false narrative about what happened on May 13, 2024, the true facts are as detailed," the complaint said. Delhi Police filed an FIR against Bibhav on Thursday. . On the complaint of Swati Maliwal, Kumar had accused her of attacking him at the CM residence on May 13.The complaint further states that when Maliwal requested him to wait till the details of his appointment were verified, he abused Kumar, with Bibhav accusing Maliwal of "forced entry". "And while "threatening" the security staff, he recounted the series of incidents that took place at the CM residence on May 13. C remains... The complainant contacted Maliwal and politely requested him to follow the proper procedure to meet the CM. As soon as the complainant said the above, Maliwal started shouting and abusing the complainant and said: “How dare you...stop an MP. What is your status?,” Bibhav claimed in his complaint.The complainant suspected that his intentions were dubious and that he intended to cause harm to the CM, hence the complainant strongly resisted his attempt to forcefully enter the interiors of her residence and stood in front of him to stop him. Thereafter the complainant She angrily sat down on the sofa and dialed POR, and began to make blatantly false allegations about the complainant,” the complaint further says, adding, “Malwal threatened the security guard who prevented her from accessing appointments and Asked to follow the protocol, and forcefully created ruckus. ''Unauthorized and illegal entry into the premises of CM residence, and thereby violating the security of the residence,'' the complaint mentioned that Bibhav told Maliwal. It has urged for appropriate legal action against him, and has also said that "all this could have been done at his behest." The BJP is planning to investigate Maliwal's call records, chats and conversations with BJP leaders. Has been requested. Earlier in the day, AAP had rejected the allegations leveled by Maliwal in the alleged attack case and said the party MP was sent to the CM residence by the BJP. Of a conspiracy so that "false allegations" could be made against the AA chief.Addressing a press conference, Delhi Minister Atishi called Swati Maliwal the "face and pawn" of the BJP's conspiracy. The senior AAP leader said that Arvind Kejriwal escaped the conspiracy because he was not present at the CM residence at the time of the incident. "Ever since Arvind Kejriwal got bail, BJP is in panic. That is why BJP hatched a conspiracy." Swati Maliwal was sent to Arvin Kejriwal's house on the morning of 13 May. Swati Maliwal was the face and claw of this conspiracy. She had gone there unannounced without any appointment, her intention was to accuse the CM but at that time the CM was not there and she should be saved,'' Atishi further said that the video that has surfaced clearly shows that The allegations made by Maliwal are false and the former Delhi Commission for Women chairperson can be seen threatening police officials at her residence over AAP leader Sanjay Singh's remarks.Recently in a press conference Atishi said that his party is with Swati Maliwal, at that time Singh knew only about Maliwal's side "Till that time, Sanjay Singh knew only about Swati Maliwal's side Now the video that has surfaced shows that the allegations made by Maliwal are just false. Days ago, Sanjay Singh had admitted that the incident (assault) had taken place. Now Delhi's Tis Hazari court recorded the statement of Aam Aadmi Party MP Swati Maliwal on Friday. But an FIR has been registered against Vibhav Kumar and other persons, Metropolitan Magistrate Katyayani Sharma Kandwal recorded the statement of Swati Maliwal under section 164 CrPC. Maliwal reached Tis Hazari Court under police protection at around 12 noon.After this his statement was recorded by the magistrate. After recording her statement before the magistrate at Tis Hazari court in the national capital, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal made a post criticizing an unidentified person and referred to him as "". "Politica Hitman" said that he has started efforts to save himself. "Like every time, this time also this political hitman has saved himself by inciting his people to tweet and play videos without any context. This crime,'' can, God is watching everything. The day everyone's truth will be revealed to the world," she said in the post. Maliwal was referring to a short video clip that purportedly showed her and security personnel at Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal's residence in May. Was.13. The purported clip circulating on social media has not yet been authenticated. Delhi Police said that the video has come to their knowledge but it has not been confirmed yet.