New Delhi [India], Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday visited the residence of Dr. Abhishek Manu Singhvi to express his gratitude. Dr Singhvi represented Kejriwal in a significant legal battle regarding liquor policy, securing interim bail for the Chief Minister just before Delhi. Lok Sabha elections on May 25 Social media platforms to express their appreciation "A source of strength for all of us" After Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was granted interim bail on Friday, Abhishek Manu Singhvi said in a post that the government and the BJP have been Despite efforts, "India's Most Wanted" was released within six weeks, leaving 21 days for election campaigning. "It is the strength of our demo that India's Most Wanted (per the government and the BJP) was released most heavily by the government. Despite the legal artillery, it has been thrown out in 6 weeks with 21 election days remaining. We must fight and never lose faith. Vivek Jain's support was invaluable and incomparable. Truth must prevail,” Abhishek Manu Singhvi wrote in a post on X The Supreme Court on Friday granted interim bail to the Aam Aadmi Party convener till June 1. However, as per the conditions of his bail, the Delhi Chief Minister cannot comment. The Delhi Chief Minister was given 22 days' grace till June 1 regarding his role in the Delhi liquor scam case, on the condition that he will not visit the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) or the Secretariat. As per the court order, Kejriwal was asked to furnish a surety bond of Rs 50,000 and a surety of like amount and was asked to surrender on June 2, the last day of voting for the 18th Lok Sabha. Matched well. The AAP supremo was arrested on March 21. Several hours of questioning in the now ended liquor policy matter.