The heavy rain was one of the worst climate tragedies to hit the region so far, according to the agency on Friday, which has so far affected 235 municipalities, including the state capital Porto Alegre.

It has been raining continuously in the state since Monday, causing rivers to swell and bridges to be destroyed, and the city of Porto Alegre, with a population of more than 1.4 million, has been put on alert, Xinhua news agency reported.

Heavy rains also spread into the neighboring state of Santa Catarina, where floods and landslides killed one person.

Recognizing this disaster, the Brazilian government has sent equipment and financial assistance to Rio Grande do Sul.

According to the agency, more than 24,000 people were displaced by the disaster.

"These will be difficult days. We ask people to leave their homes. Our aim is to save lives. Things will be lost, but we have to save lives. Our priority is to save people. As far as the rest is concerned, we Will find." Way ahead,” said Governor Eduard Leite.

Leite confirmed that it is "the biggest disaster in the state" and that Rei Grande do Sul is in a "state of war".