New Delhi: Former Delhi Congress chief Anil Chaudhary on Monday alleged that the DDA, in violation of a court order, demolished around 200 houses in Chilla Khadar, leaving hundreds of poor people with no alternative place to relocate. Found, even though he had legitimate property. Residential proof.

Addressing a press conference here, Chaudhary alleged that the DDA made a false statement in the court that the poor people living in Chilla Khadar, who earn their living by farming on the Yamuna flood plains, were carrying out commercial activity. And within two days of the court order, the DDA came early in the morning with bulldozers to demolish the houses of the farmers, without even providing tents nearby to shift them, which was inhumane and against the court's directions.

The Congress leader said that from Okhla Barrage to Chilla Khadar, around 1,500 families carry out farming activities on the Yamuna flood plains.

He said that he has all the relevant documents to take up farming and it is just a means of earning his livelihood.

Chaudhary said Delhi Congress will meet the Lieutenant Governor and other concerned officials and approach the High Court if necessary to get justice for these uprooted people, as they were also about to harvest their agricultural produce which will now be affected due to the release of water. Reasons will sink. From Hathini Kund Barrage of Haryana.

He alleged that the Kejriwal government changed the resettlement policy made by the Congress government to harm poor people living on land owned by various government agencies.

Chaudhary further alleged that the Congress government had constructed 45,000 flats under the Rajiv Ratan Awas Yojana at a cost of over Rs 2,000 crore, but these flats have not yet been allotted to the slum dwellers for whom they were constructed. .