New Delhi, Chief of Defense Staff General Anil Chauhan on Wednesday underlined the importance of strengthening India's cyber defense capabilities.

His comments came at 'Exercise Cyber ​​Security - 2024', which is being conducted by the Defense Cyber ​​Agency to further develop India's cyber capabilities.

The five-day exercise began on Monday. It aims to further develop the cyber defense capability of all cyber security organizations and promote synergy among all stakeholders.

The Defense Minister said that he is focusing on enhancing cooperation and integration between the participants from various military and major national organisations.

In his remarks, General Chauhan highlighted the critical need for solidarity among all stakeholders in the cyber domain and appreciated the initiative to foster a collaborative environment to deal with emerging cyber threats.

He appreciated the dedication and efforts of the participants and staff in conducting the exercise, the ministry said.

“The Cyber ​​Security Exercise – 2024 aims to empower participants by enhancing cyber defense skills, techniques and capabilities, sharing best practices, working towards an integrated and strong cyber defense posture,” the statement said.

"It will promote joint skills and synergy in planning and preparation of cyber defense framework," the ministry said.

"This event reaffirms the commitment of the Indian Armed Forces to safeguard national security in the increasingly important cyber domain," it said.