Bengaluru: A 52-year-old software engineer has suffered a loss of Rs 2.24 crore due to cyber fraudsters who duped him by posing as officials of Delhi Customs and Narcotics Control Bureau. Police gave this information on Thursday.

The incident comes after a 29-year-old female lawyer from Bengaluru lost Rs 14.57 lakh after she took off her clothes in front of fraudsters over a Skype video conference.

The method adopted by the fraudsters to dupe Kumarasamy Sivakkuma of Jakkur was similar to that of the woman lawyer.

Between March 18 and March 27, the fraudsters called the software engineer and said that they were from the Customs Department and that an air parcel from Delhi to Malaysia in his name had been stopped at the Delhi airport because it contained 1 passport, 58 bank ATM cards. And there were. 140 grams of Ecstasy drug pills (also known as MDMA, a banned narcotic), police said.

Police said the call was allegedly transferred to the 'Narcotics Control Bureau' where the 'officer' forced her to download Skype, come online, later the fraudsters told her that if she got rid of the case If someone wants to get it then he should transfer the money.

Shivakkumar told police that he paid Rs 2.24 crore in eight installments through Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and Immediate Payment Service (IMPS).

The victim realized on April 5 that he had been defrauded and then approached the police to lodge a complaint against unknown fraudsters at the Bengaluru North East Cyber ​​Crime Police Station.

According to police sources, since the beginning of the month, around 25 people have become victims of fraudsters in the limits of North East Cyber ​​Crime Police Station and have lost more than Rs 4 crore. He said that in most of the cases a similar method of operation was adopted.