Mumbai: The Mumbai Customs department has arrested six people and seized over 8.1 kg of gold worth Rs 4.81 crore at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Mahara International Airport in the last two days. An official gave this information on Monday.

Officials at the Airport Commissionerate of Mumbai Customs Zone-III act on the basis of specific information regarding passengers landing at the city airport on Saturday and Sunday, the official said.

Six passengers, who had hidden the gold in their clothes and private parts, were arrested, he said.

Over 8.1 kg of gold worth over Rs 4.81 crore was seized in 12 separate cases, the official said.

In one case, a passenger had hidden gold wax in an oval-shaped capsule in his rectum, he said, while in another case, a gold chain, rhodium-plated pendant and a locket were found on a passenger's body.