India PR Distributio Ludhiana (Punjab) [India], May 30: To spread voter awareness among the public, India's first Metaverse powered virtual model polling booth was set up to provide a virtual mock polling experience to the participants. CrupShare: ICP India and their technology partner Volaverse in collaboration with DEO in Ludhiana, Punjab set up India's first model polling booth and Ujjwala Singla (CEO Volaverse) spoke to the audience about the importance of Metaverse technology, DC Ludhiana and Observer Also experienced the voting process in virtual reality live band among other awareness activities. Held at MBD Neopolis Mall on Ferozepur Road late Saturday evening. The District Election Song – 'Votan 2024' was launched by the Election Observers including General Supervisor Divya Mittal IAS, Expenditure Supervisor Chetan D Kalamkar IRS and Pankaj Kumar IRS, District Election Officer. During the awareness program, DEO Sakshi Sahni, ARO Ludhiana Central Ojasvi Alankar said that the awareness program 'This War Ludhiana 70 Paar' was organized by the district administration in collaboration with Crusphere and Volaverse teams under the SWEEP programme.Its objective is to achieve the target of more than 70 percent voting (this time, crossing 70) during the general elections. Cruciferous: Deepak Goyal, Co-Founder, ICP India Hub was also present on the occasion and mentioned about the importance of the latest. Technologies like metaverse and blockchain can help in shaping the overall election experience for the public in future elections, such technologies can bring more transparency in the overall process and also make the overall experience seamless for the voters. The administration has urged residents to come out in large numbers and exercise their 'right to vote' on June 1. Being the world's largest democracy, India is currently holding general Lok Sabha elections, where voters from Punjab will participate in it on June 1.2024