Kingston [Jamaica], Cricket West Indies proudly announces its latest initiative which aims to foster a deeper appreciation of cricket among the youth of the Caribbean. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility efforts, CWI has generously provided 2,685 tickets to students and 412 tickets to teachers. West Indies vs South Africa series at Sabina Park, Jamaica. The initiative also includes tickets for 198 players from the underage teams (U19, U17, U15), ensuring that these young athletes have the opportunity to experience top level cricket action. The school ticketing program is a central element of this initiative, which I have designed to engage young people.Along with keeping their minds occupied with the thrill of cricket, it provides them with the opportunity to watch international matches and develop an enduring passion for the game. This program will continue throughout the series, reflecting CWI's ongoing commitment to youth participation and sporting development. CWI President Kishore Shailo underlined the importance of this initiative in developing a strong cricket culture across the region. “We are keen to help revive cricket in Jamaica. Introducing children to cricket is vital to the future of the game in Jamaica and the entire region.By bringing students to these matches, we are not only providing them an enjoyable experience but also fostering an appreciation and love for cricket that can grow with them. “This School Ticketing Program initiative is about more than just watching the game, it's about building a connection with America that can inspire future generations,” said President Dr. Shallow Donovan Bennett; The Jamaica Cricket Association (JCA) has expressed its enthusiasm for this initiative and its potential impact. Dr Bennett said, "We are thrilled to collaborate with CWI for this school ticketing programme. This initiative promotes cricket and instills the values ​​of teamwork, discipline and perseverance in our youth." “Students are gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of the game by watching cricket matches,” he said.This experience is invaluable to their personal and athlete development. The West Indies won the first match of the series against South Africa at Sabin Park in Jamaica in front of thousands of fans, including hundreds of children, with the remaining two matches of the series starting at the same venue on Saturday, 25 May and ending on Sunday, 26 May.