Kshitij Tyagi said, "As an immediate neighbor and friend of the people of Myanmar, India repeatedly calls on all parties to immediately stop the violence, release of political prisoners, humanitarian assistance and resolution of the crisis through constructive dialogue. Used to be." First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in Geneva.

The Indian diplomat was speaking at a session on the human rights situation in Myanmar on the first day of the 56th regular session of the Human Rights Council.

Remaining deeply concerned over the situation, India once again stressed the need to arrive at peaceful solutions that are Myanmar-led and Myanmar-owned.

The Indian First Secretary said, "The increasing influx of people from Myanmar into our North-Eastern states and the challenge of transnational crimes such as drug and human trafficking remain a matter of grave concern."

“We have always given high priority to the peace, stability and development of Myanmar and are making consistent efforts towards these objectives in the form of humanitarian assistance, people-centred projects and capacity building in democratic systems and practices. Constitutionalism and federalism in Myanmar “Areas of,” he said.

In its statement, New Delhi also noted that it continues to coordinate closely with ASEAN on matters related to its policy on Myanmar's transition towards inclusive democracy.