Washington, In one of the rarest examples, the Congressional Black Caucus has agreed to oust one of the sitting lawmakers, Indian American Congressman Mr. Thanedar, who is seeking re-election from Michigan's 13th Congressional District.

Black Caucus Chair Steven Horsford and his immediate predecessor Joyce Beatty have announced their endorsement of Adam Hollier for Sheriff in the Democratic primary.

In the American political tradition, an incumbent legislator is rarely opposed by his or her party leadership in a primary.

Michigan's 13th Congressional District has a black majority, and it was the first time that there was no black representing it in the House of Representatives.

“From the U.S. Army to Governor Whitmer's Cabinet, Adam Hollier has spent his life serving his community and his country.I know he will continue to serve as an effective representative and put people above politics. Adam is a leader who understands the importance of protecting our freedoms, fighting for our rights, and ensuring opportunity for all,” Horsford said in a statement.

Beatty said Hollier "is exactly the kind of leader we need standing with us in Congress. While some politicians prefer to tweet rather than show off, Ada always steps up, shows up and delivers. ," They said.

American media called it an unusual development.

Thanedar is the first Indian American to represent Michigan in Congress.H defeated his Republican opponent by 47 percentage points in 2022, and in the process, he broke a 67-year streak of no Black Michigander representing Detroit.

In the first quarter, they raised USD5 million and received over 15 endorsements from influential elected officials and organizations. He has received endorsements from lawmakers Ami Bera, Judy Chu, Robert Garcia, Marcy Kaptur, R Khanna, Raja Krishnamurthy, Ted Liu, Seth Magaziner, Brad Sherman and Dean Titus.

The Human Rights Campaign, Laborers International Union of North America (LiUNA) National Education Association, Michigan Education Association, and NEWTO Action Alliance have also endorsed him.

“Together, we will continue to fight for progress, equality and opportunity for 13% of Michigan residents,” he said in a statement earlier this month.'' Thanedar said he is committed to connecting with voters, listening to their concerns and advocating for them. For policies that address community challenges.