Vasco (Goa), Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said Congress should apologize to the country for doubting the integrity of electronic voting machines (EVMs).

Speaking at an election rally here, he also said that BJ was a model of 'saturation approach' to the implementation of Goa central government schemes, which was a means of achieving true secularism and social justice.

The Prime Minister said that Congress lied about EVMs and tried to instigate people, but the Supreme Court in its recent judgment has said that there is nothing wrong in EVMs. He said that Congress should apologize to the country for its stand.

He said, “Goa is a model of BJP's saturation approach (welfare scheme) which has benefited farmers, the poor, fishermen, women.Modi lives to fulfill your dreams and aspirations."

Modi said, the coastal state is a land of patriots and is known for its grand temples and churches.

The Prime Minister said the 2024 elections are a battle between the ideology of the NDA that wants to fulfill the aspirations of the citizens and the Indian faction that acts with selfish motives to protect their families.

"Our approach is not appeasement but 'santushtikaran' (making everyone happy)," he said.

Modi said the BJP government will organize the Olympics in the country and it is turning Goa into an international convention centre.PM said, insurance cover for fishermen will be increased.

Mod claimed that the Indian alliance wants to bring back Article 370 because of its appeasement politics and the Congress is planning to impose 55 per cent inheritance tax.

"The 'sahabzades' of Congress (apparently a reference to Rahul Gandhi) have brought X-ray machines from abroad to check people's assets and distribute them to others," the Prime Minister said.

He said, “You all know who is the Congress's favorite vote bank. The Congress will loot you throughout your life and even after death."