Shivamogga (Karnataka) [India], Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President JP Nadd said that Congress is so "frustrated" that they are launching deep fake videos. Shah said, "They (Congress) have now become so desperate that they are bringing out deep fake videos." In the Home Minister's video, he was clearly saying that the interests of SC, ST and OBC have always been protected and will be protected in the future also. "Okay," Nadda told ANI in Shivamogga, Karnataka on Tuesday. Said while talking. The BJP chief said that Congress tried to make Amit Shah's fake video viral to create unrest in the society. “They (Congress) made a fake video and tried to make it..Social unrest in Telangana Investigation has revealed that the video was uploaded on social media through the phone of the Telangana Chief Minister. The leaders of IND alliance and their parties have no shame. They tried to make the video viral by calling it a group of divisive forces. You are in such deep depression that you are circulating this fake video. This is because we worked in the interest of the country. Under the leadership of P. Modi, Article 370 was removed, there was talk in the Supreme Court against triple talaq, the UPA government did not have the courage, PM Modi's government made it possible. Similarly, the Nar Shakti Vandan Act was passed. We also promoted the Ramjanmabhoomi temple, which was approved by the court.Nadda claimed that when the opposition realized that the BJP was going to win with a huge majority, it was getting disappointed and misleading the people, but being disappointed that we were winning 400 seats, the opposition was misleading the people. Used to be. We are doing this so that our numbers reduce. It will not work. People have decided to vote for PM Modi.'' Nadda said, ''This thought is good for Ghalib Gham Bhulan. You remain confused. In Tamil Nadu our vote share is increasing and we will also win some seats, in Karnataka we will remain completely intact. This time we will move forward in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh also. Taking aim at the Congress, Nadda said that the political presence of the Congress in North India is so bad that they are not even able to manage to nominate candidates. "We will progress to a great extent in Odisha. We will do well in West Bengal. We are not seeing their (Congress) presence in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, North Indian states." Responding to Rahul Gandhi's claim of allegedly removing reservation if BJP comes to power, Nadda said, "Rahul Gandhi's knowledge is always limited. They speak only what they are taught. What can I say about it?" Shivamogga will go to polls on May 7. BJP's BY Raghavendra, son of former Karnataka chief minister BS Yediyurappa, has been pitted against Congress's Geeta Shivarajkumar.