Bengaluru, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday said the Congress government led by him in the state is "strong" and "stable".

Taking aim at opposition BJP leaders, he said it seems that it is not the state but their own 'intellect' that is facing 'bankruptcy'.

Hitting out at the BJP, Siddaramaiah said in a statement, "Don't embarrass yourself by telling lies every day and then creating new lies to defend it when exposed."

Accusing the saffron party of "blabbering" about the state becoming bankrupt due to a debt of Rs 10,000 crore in the April-June quarter last year, he suggested they examine the debt records of the previous BJP government's tenure.

Explaining further, Siddaramaiah alleged that during the financial year 2020-21, BJP's Basavaraj Bommai, as the Chief Minister, had taken a loan of Rs 84,52 crore.Siddaramaiah said the next year, 2021-22, saw additional borrowing of Rs 67,332 crore, with the borrowing amount reaching Rs 72,000 crore in 2022-23.

"Rs 43,580 crore was spent in 2022-23 to repay this loan. As a result, the responsibility of repaying these loans now falls on us," he said.

Siddaramaiah asked, "Shouldn't you at least ask your Bommai before accusing our government again?"

The Chief Minister said that since independence till 2018, the total debt of the state government was Rs 2.42 lakh crore, but in the five years from 2018 to 2023, this debt increased to Rs 5.40 lakh crore.

He said, "Within a period of five years, the debt of the state has increased by Rs three lakh crore. BJP Karnataka should introspect about this and inform the public about the party responsible for the debt increase.,

Criticizing the BJP leaders, he said that it seems that governance, economy, development are not their cup of tea and alleged that they only fill the minds of people with issues of Hindu-Muslim, communalism, Pakistan and Muslim League, Due to which mutual discord arises. “Communities co-existing peacefully for political gain”.

He said, “People of the state know who is ‘Sulu (false) Ramaiah’ and who is ‘Sachcha (true) Ramaiah’. They will answer you accordingly in this election."