Sagar (Madhya Pradesh), Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday accused the Congress of reducing the quota for OBCs in Karnataka by keeping Muslim castes in the same category and claimed it was planning to repeat it across the country.

Speaking at an election rally in Madhya Pradesh's Sagar district, he termed the opposition party as the "biggest enemy of OBCs".

Modi said, in the past, it had provided reservation on the basis of religion which the Constitution of India does not allow.

"Once again, Congress has given reservation on the basis of religion in Karnataka through the backdoor by placing all Muslim castes with OBC. By doing so, it has snatched away a large part of the reservation from the OBC community. Congress is involved in this dangerous game. It has happened and will destroy you (the future generations).This is the biggest enemy of OBCs,” he said.

He said, in 2004, Congress stabbed Constitution maker Baba Saheb Ambedkar in the back by giving reservation on the basis of religion.

"Our Constitution clearly says that no one will be given reservation on the basis of religion. Baba Saheb Ambedkar himself was against reservation on the basis of religion. But Congress took a dangerous resolution years ago to give reservation on the basis of religion. Was.Various tactics are being adopted to fulfill the resolution,” he said.

Modi said, the party in Karnataka provided such quota by resorting to illegal tactics.

"All castes of Muslims have been added to the OBC quota. By doing so, huge rights given to OBCs were taken away and given (to others) on the basis of religion," the Prime Minister claimed. Congress wanted to implement it. Same model across the country.

He said, “The biggest enemy of the OBC community is Congress, which has snatched away their rights.Congress has murdered social justice, violated the spirit of the Constitution and insulted Baba Saheb."

The Prime Minister also criticized the Congress for its 'plan' to impose inheritance tax on property left by ancestors.

Modi said Madhya Pradesh was known as a BIMARU state during the Congress rule and development started only when the BJP came to power.