Kolkata, Congress on Tuesday expelled its West Bengal unit general secretary Binoy Tamang for six years for "anti-party activities", hours after the Gorakh leader extended support to BJP's Darjeeling Lok Sabha seat candidate Raj Bista. .

Congress leader and former MLA Manoj Chakraborty said, "Binoy Tamang has been expelled from the party for six years for anti-party activities. His expulsion will be effective immediately."

Tamang said his expulsion from the Congress was a "victory for the Gorkhas" and he was not too bothered by it.

"It doesn't matter... my expulsion from the Congress is a victory for the Gorkhas and a defeat for the grand old party," Tamang said.

Earlier in the day, Tamang had predicted that the BJP would remain in power at the Center and urged the hill people to vote for Bista.