According to the study published in the journal Nature Cities, concrete nitrogenation could contribute to a reduction of 3.4-6.9 megatonnes (Mt) of NOx emissions by 6 to 13 percent of industry-related emissions in 2021.

By 2050, this process could lead to a total NOx reduction of 131–384 Mt. This could potentially equate to 75–260 years of premature death and reduced quality of life, estimated in terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).

The researchers said NOx are highly reactive toxic air pollutants that can contribute to acid rain and ozone layer depletion and pose significant health hazards.

“Cities around the world, particularly in the global South, are experiencing extensive urban renewal, expansion and modernization – all of which are inevitably creating atmospheric pollution,” said co-author Dr Yuli Shan, from the University of Birmingham.,

He said, “Between 1970 and 2018, global NOx emissions nearly doubled from 70 Mt to 120 Mt. Addressing and managing these emissions is critical to enhancing urban health, promoting sustainable industrial growth and ensuring environmental well-being.” is important."

Commercialization of nitrogenization is likely to offer better economic and environmental prospects than similar processes involving carbon dioxide (CO2), a group of researchers said.

Ning Zhang, first author of the study, said, "Concrete has significant potential in capturing NOx. Applying this technology holds promise for rapidly urbanizing and emerging industrial areas, as it could generate substantial economic value. and can reduce industrial NOx pollution in these areas." said the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development.

“The proposed nitrogenous concrete material presents a promising integrated solution for reducing air pollution and managing construction waste in industrial areas,” he said.

The researchers noted that the US, China and Europe are the major players with the greatest potential to contribute to the region.