VMP Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India], May 23: A decade after undergoing bypass and valve replacement surgery, a patient found himself battling debilitating symptoms. Complaints of heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath and restless nights plagued his life. However, hope arose when he sought treatment at Rajastha Hospital in Jaipur, where senior interventional cardiologist, Dr. Ravinder Singh Rao, performed an unprecedented intervention. Dr. Rao revealed that the 70-year-old patient was suffering from heart failure. Symptoms suggestive of IBS appeared, including persistent. Shortness of breath and frequent hospitalization. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the mitral valve previously replaced during surgery had malfunctioned, worsening his condition.Considering the patient's age and the inherent risks of Rad-D surgery, Dr. Rao opted for a non-surgical approach. The patient's angiography revealed the challenging reality of three blocked bypass grafts, further complicating the situation. . Undaunted, Dr. Rao overcame this challenge by taking advantage of transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR technique). Through a minimally invasive procedure, a new artificial valve was carefully implanted through the femoral vein, restoring heart function. Along with this, Dr. Rao restored him by performing complex angioplasty. Blood was flushed through the occluded graft using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) guidance.The success of the intervention was evident as the patient experienced immediate relief, reduced lung pressure and improved breathing. Within a few months, the patient's nights became restful and his physical activity returned to normal. Dr. Rao emphasized the importance of non-surgical interventions, highlighting their efficacy in reducing the risks associated with traditional surgery. Furthermore, He emphasized the potential for rapid recovery, enabling patients to immediately resume their daily lives. The recovery and treatment in Rajasthan Hospital is as follows. A testament t complex angioplasty.With Dr. Rao's pioneering approach, patients get new hope and a path to restore heart health without the burden of invasive surgery, a rare case where such a successful intervention has been achieved. Rao, RHL, vice president and chief interventional cardiologist at Rajasthan Hospital, said such treatments have in the past saved the lives of patients who had no ray of hope or were