“We welcome Juan Fernando Cristo as Minister of the Interior, who will have the task of promoting social reforms in Congress, coordinating compliance with the signed peace accords, and building social and political bridges to the national settlement that will lead to regulatory Promotes changes and use of component power, Petro said on X, according to Xinhua news agency.

Cristo, founder and president of the political party En Marcha, which was a component of the historic Pact coalition that brought Petro to power, served as Minister of the Interior during the presidency of Juan Manuel Santos. Christo is known for his efforts to promote peace in the South American country.

The day before, Petro announced that María Constanza García would take on the role of Transport Minister. He has been tasked with revitalizing the railway system, one of the most ambitious projects of the government.

In the coming days, Petro is expected to announce new ministerial appointments as part of a cabinet overhaul after his first two years in office. He said the move was necessary to strengthen his mandate and implement reforms in the country.