Pune (Maharashtra) [India], Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut on Sunday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Indian faction of "five prime ministers in five years" and said they will make two or even four prime ministers. year, but will not let the country slide towards "dictatorship". Earlier on Saturday, PM Modi had claimed that the Indian faction would resort to the "one year, one PM" formula, leading to "5 prime ministers in 5 years". “A coalition government is far better than a democratically elected dictator that we elect.” We wish to have a Prime Minister, we will make two-four Prime Ministers in a year, but we will not let our country go towards dictatorship.Everyone will know on June 4 that PM Modi is crossing 300 seats in the Lok Sabha elections," he said. Sanjay Raut also claimed that the NDA is losing in both the phases of the Lok Sabha elections 2024 held so far, "You It will be known that the India block is crossing 300 seats," he said. Sanjay Raut further compared PM Modi with Aurangzeb and said that the Prime Minister works like Aurangzeb. Maharashtra belongs to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Maharashtra has its own It is history. We always wonder why Narendra Modi acts like Aurangzeb.Yesterday he gave a speech asking who is Uddhav Thackeray? Like the Congressmen, you are joining hands with Aurangzeb but you are Aurangzeb yourself. Very few people know that Aurangzeb was born in Gujarat. The place where Aurangzeb was born is the neighboring village of Narendra Modi's village, so the soul of Aurangzeb has come into the body of Narendra Modi," he added. Earlier on Saturday, PM Modi said that the two self-targets of Congress and INDI Bloc are “Nationalism and politics of hatred.DMK party is very special to Congress and is abusing Sanatan. They are saying that Sanatan has dengue and malaria. Those who talk about destroying Sanatan Dharma are invited to Maharashtra by the INDI alliance and are welcomed here. INDI alliance has fallen so low in vote bank politics that after seeing Bala Saheb, it has formed an alliance with those people?... Fake Shiv Sena is walking shoulder to shoulder with these people... Bala Saheb. Must have been very upset by this. Wherever his soul is, it will be disturbed after seeing these activities.''India Bloc said that if their government is formed then they will repeal CAA. "They (Congress and India Bloc) are saying that if their government is formed they will repeal CAA. Will the country allow them to do so? Try to do so so that they know what they will have to face? People cannot win Lok Sabha seats in three digits, can the Indian alliance even reach the door of forming the government? Their formula is 'one year, one PM'... and if they remain in power for 5 years then 5 Prime Ministers. Congress and Indi alliance are giving speeches in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu demanding a separate country.Can the land of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ever accept this?" He said that voting will be held on 11 seats in the third phase in Maharashtra on May 7. Voting has been completed on 13 seats out of 4 seats in the first and second phase. Voting has been completed in 13 constituencies in 12 states/UTs, with around 60.96 per cent voting taking place in 88 constituencies in the second phase of the parliamentary elections. The second phase of voting has been completed in 14 states/UTs for the general elections in 2024, the results will be declared on June 4.