This is the first genome sequencing at the chromosomal level of a marine invertebrate species from India.

Recently, CMFRI presented a similar genomic finding for Indian oilseed sardines.

The Asian green mussel, Kallummakkaya in local parlance, is an important aquaculture species of the family Mytilidae that contributes substantially to mollusk aquaculture.

The CMFRI research found that the mussel genome contains 723.49 Mb in size and is anchored on 15 chromosomes.

"This development will be a game-changer in driving sustainable mussel aquaculture in the country, as this research will help gain insight into their growth, reproduction and disease resistance," said Grinson George, director of CMFRI.

The findings will benefit the aquaculture sector by improving genomic selection and breeding practices, leading to greater productivity and resilience in fisheries, he added.

According to scientists, this will help develop new strategies to combat diseases in mussels.

"Genomic investigations of this species are vital to understanding the genes, gene combinations and signaling pathways that lead to parasitic diseases, which constitute a major threat to Asian green mussel aquaculture in India and cause substantial mortalities in farms," ​​said Dr. Sandhya Sukumaran.

Green mussel genome assembly will emerge as a valuable tool to explore cancer mechanisms and develop new therapeutic strategies.

"A total of 49,654 protein-coding genes were identified, including 634 genes associated with cancer pathway and 408 genes associated with viral carcinogenesis. This indicates that this species is a novel model organism for cancer research," Sukumaran said.

Scientists also believe that decoding the genome of this species would improve knowledge about the effect of environmental pollutants on biological systems, as this bivalve adapts to local environmental stressors such as variations in pH, temperature, salinity and air exposure. .