Mexico City [Mexico] Claudia Sheinbaum, climate scientist and former mayor of Mexico City, has been elected as the first woman to be elected as President of Mexico. She would also be the first Jewish leader of Jewish heritage to hold the position, Politico reported.

Sheinbaum, 61, received about 58 percent of the vote, according to preliminary results from the Mexican election office.

Sheinbaum's opposition candidate, Xochitl Gálvez, supported by a coalition of National Action (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) and Democratic Revolution (PRD) parties, received between 26.6 percent and 28.6 percent of the vote.

Jorge Alvarez Menez of the Citizens Movement received between 9.9% and 10.8 percent of the vote.According to quick count results, participation in Mexico's presidential election was between 58.9 percent and 61.7 percent of the nearly 100 million eligible voters, CNN reports.

After expressing gratitude for the voters' support, Sheinbaum called it a historic moment. "For the first time in 200 years of the Republic, I will be the first woman president of Mexico," Sheinbaum said. "We have achieved a pluralistic, diverse and democratic Mexico," he said, according to a report by Politico.

He added, "Although many Mexicans do not fully agree with our project, we must move forward in peace and harmony to continue building a fairer and more prosperous Mexico."

Sheinbaum's party, Morena, is expected to win a majority in the legislature, according to projections from the Mexican electoral office.Such a majority would enable him to make constitutional changes that Mexico's outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been unable to make, Politico reports.

She is a close confidant of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who was not allowed to run for office again after his six-year term. It was the biggest election day in Mexico, a country with a population of about 130 million people.

Obrador congratulated Sheinbaum on her victory, CNN reported. In a video posted on Twitter, Obrador said, "With all my affection and respect I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum who won by a substantial margin.She will be the first (female) president of Mexico... but possibly also the president, with the most votes received in the entire history of our country."

In addition to the presidential elections, more than 20,000 political positions need to be filled, including all seats in the lower house and the Senate and regional and municipal offices, Politico reports.

Thousands of troops were deployed to ensure a peaceful voting day in Mexico. Despite security arrangements, a city council candidate was shot dead hours before the election, reports said.A man was kidnapped while voting at a polling station in another city.