Addressing a session at the J20 summit in New Delhi [India], Brazil, CJ Chandrachud said, "Reimagining our courts not as imposed 'empires' but as democratic spaces of discourse "COVID-19 has caused our court systems to change overnight." The courts became more than just opaque physical spaces, overseen and coordinated by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF), the event convenes the supreme and constitutional courts of the African Union and the European Union to discuss important topics, including social justice. Brings together the presidents. , facilitates environmental sustainability and integration of technology for improved judicial efficiency. Addressing the summit CJI Chandrachud said, "We believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant, and accurate and accessible information is the cure for disinformation. The Brazilian Supreme Court's program to fight disinformation extends to decisions, Targets disinformation by enabling access and creating an ecosystem of stakeholders “In India, it is quite common for judges to engage with the bar and play devil's advocate to get their best answers,” CJI Chandrachud said., However, this sometimes goes wrong, as misleading clips of bench opinions and proceedings are circulated on the Internet. Fortunately, we have a strong network of legal journalists who live-report the proceedings and help dispel misinformation. We use SUVAS (Supreme Court Legal Translation Software), machine learning, AI-enabled translation tools to translate over 36,000 cases so far. Live streaming and YouTube recordings of important constitutional cases are also available through Digita SCR (Supreme Court Records) While old judgments are available for free, the CJI highlighted that digital divide, inequality of representation between parties to the same dispute and Low-connectivity locations are some of the other hurdles we must deal with. When we talk about judicial efficiency, we must look beyond the efficiency of the judge and think about the judicial process as a whole. “Efficiency lies not only in outcomes. but also in the processes that ensure free and fair hearings. The real opportunity lies in the "transformation factors", as Dr. Amartya Sen puts it, in the extent to which we How do we change this to reduce the inequalities that already exist?Inequities are not neatly placed boxes, rather they are a complex web of interconnected realities." The CJI said that AI profiling and the resulting large language models involve stigmatization of individuals, algorithmic bias, misinformation, loss of sensitive information. Complex issues like ambiguity of black box model in AI should be tackled by continuously incorporating digitalisation and technology as two important areas in which we can achieve better justice delivery, one is pre-adjudication processes. Streamlining and second is post-judgment measures that improve accessibility and engagement, it said, adding that a number of mechanisms have been put in place to help establish sophisticated processes using technologies ranging from intelligence and machine learning tools. Are.