TAIPEI [Taiwan], Taiwanese military officials said they found propaganda leaflets allegedly dropped by Chinese troops on Erdan Island in Kinmen, saying "bringing 'Taiwan independence' is a dead end," Taiwan News reported. reported that one leaflet read, "Both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China. Taiwan independence is a dead end." Subsequently, another read, "Using force to oppose unification is only a dead end." Leads! Don't sacrifice your life for Taiwan's independence, do you understand? According to the military's Kinmen Defense Command, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) may have dropped leaflets during recent two-day military exercises besieging Taiwan, which concluded on Saturday, soldiers found one sealed with tape, according to Taiwan News. The black cardboard box found on a pier on Erda Island in Liyu Township, Kinmen County contains leaflets printed in simple Chinese with political slogans. The Kinmen Defense Command said the object was dropped by a drone beyond visual range with the intention of attracting attention, sparking debate and increasing social media attention. Traffic, a "typical cognitive warfare move.It added that critical facilities and conditions in the defense sector are completely hidden. A Chinese netizen on Saturday posted a YouTube video in which he captured the leaflets before placing them in a black cardboard box and tying it with a red ribbon. Then I show him flying towards the coast, dropping off packages at the military base on Erdan Island. According to Taiwan News, on May 20, Lai Ching-te A few days after being sworn in, China launched two-day-long military exercises around Taiwan on May 23, described as "punishment" for so-called "separatist acts", CNN reported Lai's inaugural speech Reportedly, he urged China to stop intimidating Taiwan. In his inaugural speech after being sworn in as President of Taiwan, La Ching-te called on Beijing to stop intimidating the island nation. China has been continuously making its claim.End military threats against Taiwan, share global responsibility with Taiwan to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as well as in the greater region, and ensure the world is free from the fear of war, former doctor and Vice President Lai vowed Along with newly appointed Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim, who recently took over as Taiwan's principal ambassador to the United States, Beijing publicly criticized both leaders and their party for defending Taiwan's sovereignty.