BEIJING [China], China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe has achieved a historic feat by landing on the far side of the moon and launching an unprecedented mission to collect samples from this rare terrain, Chinese state media reported Sunday.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced this milestone, which marks the first time in human history that samples will be collected from this mysterious region of the lunar surface.

With support from the Queqiao-2 relay satellite, the Chang'e-6 lander-ascender combination successfully landed at the designated landing site within the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) Basin. According to Xinhua report, this region on the far side of the moon presents a unique and challenging landscape for scientific exploration.

Consisting of an orbiter, a returner, a lander and an ascender, Chang'e-6 has had a carefully planned journey since its launch on May 3 this year.From the phases of Earth-Moon transfer to lunar approach braking, lunar orbiting and finally, landing on the lunar surface, each phase has been executed with precision by CNSA.

The chosen landing site, the Apollo Basin, holds immense scientific potential for exploration. Huang Hao, a space expert at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), said the decision to target the Apollo Basin was influenced by its scientific importance and favorable landing conditions.

Despite the rugged terrain characteristic of the far side of the Moon, the relatively flat surface of the Apollo Basin provides an ideal location for landing and subsequent sampling operations.

After the successful landing, Chang'e-6 is ready to begin its sampling mission, which is to be completed within two days.Employing two different methods, the probe will collect samples from the subsurface using a drill and from the lunar surface using a robotic arm.

Jin Shengyi, another distinguished space expert at CASC, revealed the meticulous preparations made by the Chang'e-6 development team to ensure the success of the sampling process.

A simulation laboratory was set up in advance, mimicking the lunar atmosphere and conditions surrounding the landing site. Through this simulation, sampling strategies and instrument control procedures were carefully designed and verified, ensuring mission accuracy and efficiency.

Despite the challenges posed by the Moon's obstruction, which results in a smaller Earth-Moon communication window on the far side, the Chang'e-6 mission is poised to optimize efficiency through autonomous operation.Jin detailed the intelligent capabilities included in Chang'e-6, allowing the probe to execute instructions and make decisions autonomously, reducing the need for constant Earth-based intervention.

In a significant advancement, the Chang'e-6 mission aims to streamline operations by significantly reducing the number of commands sent from ground control.

With an estimated reduction of about 1,000 to 400 instructions in the entire sampling process, Chang'e-6 marks progress in autonomous space exploration, Xinhua reports.